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Karen Hammer

Terapi og veiledning for rask endring

Sammen jobber vi dypt for en rask og varig endring i deg

Opplever du at du har prøvd alt, men fortsatt føler deg fastlåst i gamle mønster? I tradisjonell samtaleterapi jobber man oftest med det som er bevisst, altså symptomene av det som plager deg. Med RTT går vi dypere i underbevisstheten for å finne selve rota til problemet og frigjøre deg fra dette.


Hello, my name is Karen

I am a Rapid Transformational Therapy Practitioner, Hypnotherapist and  Mindfulness Instructor. In my previous life I worked as a researcher in biology, but life wanted me to work with human nature. In this transition, I have been on a deep existential journey, the fruits and insights of which have made me a fearless and curious therapist who meets my clients in a compassionate and safe way.


It is always fascinating to me to see how much we can achieve during a single treatment and how much understanding a person can gain for their situation during the two hours we work together. Often we think we know where our problems originate, but the truth is that we often only scratch the surface of the real root of the problem. Traditional talk therapy works on the conscious level, but in RTT we work on the subconscious and the unconscious level, to really get to the bottom of what is holding you back from living a good and wonderful life.


Working so deeply and intensely with my clients is one of the most rewarding things I do. My basic view of every person I meet is that they are already perfect creatures, but who have carried with them misunderstandings about themselves from a young age and who have shaped their truth about who they are based on false and outdated conclusions. I am here to free you from these misconceptions and to break the chains that have held you back all these years.


My goal for our collaboration is to free you from your limiting thoughts and actions and give you what you need to change the course of your life and move in the direction you want.

What is RTT?

Rapid Transformational Therapy ® is a new form of therapy developed by Marisa Peer that combines techniques such as hypnotherapy, NLP, cognitive therapy and psychotherapy to provide quick and lasting results.


Unlike normal talk therapy, this method works directly with the subconscious and the feeling part of the mind and brain. This allows us to get to the core of the problem quickly, and correct old beliefs that are neither relevant nor beneficial to you and install new mindsets that you yourself want. This way you can develop in the direction you want. The goal of RTT is to give you freedom to take back control over your own life.


A typical treatment

Preliminary interview​

Before a treatment, you and I have a non-binding preliminary conversation where we find out if I am the right person to help you and to give you the information you need to make a well-informed choice.


Intake interview

If you decide to make use of the treatment, we will proceed to an intake interview to collect relevant information in advance of the treatment.



In a typical treatment, you and I together find the underlying cause of your challenge, then we interrupt the thought patterns that started and maintained the problem before we install a new way of thinking and behavior that benefits you and that leads you in the direction you want for your life.  

With the exception of the preliminary interview, the entire treatment takes place in hypnosis. Hypnosis is a natural state we enter and exit several times a day, and is simply a relaxed and safe state where we come into direct contact with the subconscious.​



After the session, I follow you up for 3 weeks through short conversations to follow your progression, provide support and answer any questions that arise. It is also possible to buy extended follow-up packages with longer coaching and guidance calls.​



All treatments take place online. Online meetings work particularly well for RTT and hypnotherapy as the client sits with their eyes closed in a relaxed state throughout the treatment.

What can we work on?

At RTT, we have the same approach, regardless of the challenges you bring. This means that we can work with many different problems

Glad jente
Pile of Pills
Kvinnen Crossing Race Finish Line

Self-esteem, self-image and self-confidence

Emotional pain

Anxiety, Depression, Grief

Physical ailments

Pain, Obesity, autoimmune diseases

Physical ailments

Pain, Obesity, autoimmune diseases

Physical ailments

Pain, Obesity, autoimmune diseases

Are you ready to free yourself from your limitations and start the life you want?

Contact me

Thank you for your inquiry! You will hear from me shortly

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